Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Jenga Part 2

Ok lets do this quick. 

So we are still in the area and president said that we are going to be here for the next little bit. He said things are going on in the church headquarters or something like that. Basically no one wants to tell us whats going on, but now we have to verify with the district leader from the south mission, but the stake president told us that part of the south mission will become the north mission so who knows. On the bright side we only packed. The sisters in the other area packed, left on Sunday, and came back on Monday. 

We have seen some amazing progress in the people that we are teaching. I don't want to spoil anything so that's all i will say. Then on Friday and Saturday everything fell apart and we thought that all the people we were teaching were done for and didn't want anything, but then everything got saved on Sunday, so we are doing good.

Funny story from this week. One of the ward members we are friends with saw that we were on a bus and he hopped on too and as he got on he yelled at us "hey what's up beaners" i guess its not racist if a Mexican says it. 

Wednesday was the birthday of my comp, so i got him a cake and we celebrated in fashion. We also taught a family that we are teaching about family prayer and their minds were blown. I guess its the simple things that can realize big changes. I also told them how whenever we did family prayer i was always busy watching a movie and had to make the trek upstairs to say it, but now i'm grateful for my parents showing me the good things in life. 

We live in something similar to a gated community, so its pretty peaceful. This week though all the cats were in heat. I thought i was going to lose my mind. All day and all night they are basically screaming at each other and going crazy. So, one morning i went outside with a pitcher of water and drenched them all. I had to do it like 3 more times, but after that they haven't been outside of our house.

On Saturday a part member family we are teaching invited over their brother and his wife for a lesson because a little bit ago they lost their 3 year old daughter. They have been really sad about it and had almost stopped believing in God. We were able to teach them a little about the plan of salvation, that their daughter is saved and were able to teach them more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was an awesome lesson to just help these people start feeling the love of God again and to help them find some peace. They don't live in the area, so we passed the reference and hope that they will keep progressing. Just another reminder of how grateful i am for the Book of Mormon. Without it, it would be so hard to find peace and answers in my life and to know what's going on with everything. 

And last but not least. If you remember my pictures of playing Jenga with Sophia, you will be pleased to know that something good came out of it. Her parents aren't members, but are investigating the church more or less. So, on Sunday we went over before church to invite them and they (the parents) said they didn't have time. So, we decided to play jenga and if Sophia lost they had to go to church. I almost always lose so i think the Lord was with me during this game of jenga because Sophia lost and they came to church.

Adios lean el Libro de Mormon
Elder Warburton

Elder Warburton
  México Puebla Norte

 My comps birthday

I couldn't get a really good picture, but we call this cat zombie because it literally looks dead, but its alive

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