Man the more time i have here the less things i have to write about. We had our district council on Wednesday and some elders showed up like 30 minutes late and the zone leader told them to sit down and shut up when they came in. Then we had interchanges and i went to another area to work with one of the zone leaders and it was good. At the end of the day he made crepes. Then in the morning we woke up early to wake and bake (i think that's what its called in English) some other elders to see if they were ready on time. When we got there, they were all ready, so nothing too exciting.
While my comp was in our area with the other zone leader they found a lady from Nicaragua, so now we are teaching her and her family. They are really cool and have an interesting story. Basically they were on trains and walking for a month to get from Nicaragua to mexico. They said that tonight they are going to make us some food from their country, so hopefully its good.
The ward here has been falling more and more the past couple of years, so we have been looking for a lot of in-actives/less actives. We find that, they accept our message, they cry and say they're going to go back to church, they don't go to church. That's basically been my week. We are going to have to think up some creative ways to get these people back to church.
Yesterday an older man in the ward took us around to visit some references he had for us. They were all super sick and had diabetes, so i guess the moral of the story is that you shouldn't drink a lot of coke because if you do you will be paying for it in your later years.
That's all for this week.
Elder Warburton
I just realized i didn't take any pictures this whole week. sorry
Elder Warburton
México Puebla Norte
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