Monday, February 4, 2019

Uncle Rico Dynamite

The week started out with what i liked to call "The day of Lyles." Basically i made my comp do everything, so we switched roles for a day. It went pretty well id have to say. He lost a lot of steam towards the last half of the day, but hes made some improvements since.

We also had the zone conference this week. The zone conferences are always the best because the mission president just talks about missionary work, but uses a lot of scriptures and insights that makes it amazing. It was also my last day seeing Elder Barfuss because he goes home in a couple of weeks (pictures attached). Once he goes home ill basically have no really good friends in the mission who have more time than i do. Lots of missionaries have gone home due to health issues and others because its been their time, but now i just feel really old. There are no more cooler older missionaries. I am the cool older missionary.

In zone conference i shared an experience about the sacrifice of my great, great, great, great, great grandmother Marler (thanks mom for printing out those family history stories for me). Basically she left behind all of her wealth and on the journey to Utah lost 3 kids and her husband. I shared this story after everyone was complaining about some new rules we got, so i think it was timed perfectly. Also while i was reading my family history i found that a family named Barfuss helped another one of my ancestors from Switzerland cross into the US by saying that she was their daughter. I asked Elder Barfuss and his family is originally from Switzerland. So, i guess that basically makes us cousins.

On Saturday we had the missionary correlation. Not as good as lasts weeks. They got mad at us for never working with the members, but i was just trying to say "well when you actually want to work with us we will be here." But all's well that ends well. So, later that day we had a family home evening with a family we are teaching and some members. The members then told the family that they shouldn't get baptized. I just hope the promised blessings of working with members are true.

Well its been 2 months since my last major water/bathroom/gross/inconvenient/companion caused-Elder Warburton cleaned up catastrophe. On Sunday morning my comp was showering and i was in the other room studying. Then i realized my feet were getting wet. Then i realized that a literal river was coming out of the bathroom. My comp was oblivious to the fact that the bathroom and house were flooding. So, we had to go and borrow a squeegee (that water rake thing) from some members and i had to clean it all up. Everything was wet. Good times.

On the missionary work side of things: Azael is progressing really well again and wants to get baptized with his family. Only downside is that he still isn't married yet, so we got to help them get that done. He is really happy to talk to us again and is reading the Book of Mormon so maybe this time will go better.

That's all 
Elder Warburton

Elder Warburton
México Puebla Norte

Elder Barfuss and i

Captured in this photo is me wearing the original fanny pac of the Mexico Puebla North mission. It has been passed down until it got to Elder Barfuss. Elder Barfuss offered it to me, but based on the condition it was in i thought it was better to let him go home to retire it.

Me burning the trash (this time i didn't cut my foot. I put on tennis shoes)

The record collection

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