Monday, December 10, 2018

¿Perros o Testigos? ¡Pazole!

Lets get the most important thing out of the way first. I bought a mini Christmas tree last week, so now it is officially Christmas. I was going to take a picture of it, but i forgot. Next week.

This first week training has been really great. We have had too many miracles to count. I think my kid must have been really good in the preexistence or something because we are finding people like crazy. On Tuesday, the first day we got out to work we visited a part member family that just barely moved here. The husband is in the military and if looks could kill we would all be dead. We started talking to him though and he really opened up to us. We shared with him the Restoration and when i bore my testimony about the first vision i could have sworn he started tearing up. Then after that lesson we went to give blessings to a family. My comp did the 3 anointings and i did the three blessings. It was honestly just a really good day and i went home happy that i could use my priesthood power to help out a family that is going through some problems. They also gave us cake, so i don't think it could have gotten any better.

My companion is learning what the mission really is: Lots of food. On Wednesday we had just finished eating a bunch of quesadillas and we went to visit another part member family and the wife was so happy we came to visit her husband that she sat us down to eat. What she gave us was probably one of the least appealing things I've eaten here. I'm not going to even try to describe it. I was so full i had to wait like 3 minutes between each bite. We had to eat it because we didn't want to offend her. And of course when it was time to share the message the husband all of the sudden became super busy. 

We got a reference from some members. A lady about 60 years old named Maria Elena. We taught her two weeks ago and left her a pamphlet for the restoration. When we went back last week she had read the whole pamphlet and answered all of the additional study questions in the back. That. Never. Happens. She is the second person i have seen in my whole mission answer those questions. The first was baptized and was pure gold. We invited her to baptism, but she wants to wait a little bit because she is scared of change (one of the easiest excuses to overcome).

We are also teaching 27 year old twins that are progressing super fast too. They came to church on Sunday and they have told us that in these last two weeks just reading the pamphlets and praying they have seen a big change in their lives. This stuff works i'm telling you. They have a baptismal date for the 29th and i'm praying and fasting so much so that they can get baptized. For one they are super great and the gospel has helped them a lot and i also really really really want to baptize twins. Baptismo de gemelas. It doesn't get cooler than that.
On Saturday we ate some really good pazole. I've mentioned the pazole of this hermano before in one of my letters, but its so good every time i eat it, it needs to be mentioned. I didn't take a picture, so hopefully he makes it again soon so i can take one. 

Training is really fun. i think its fun because i got a really good companion. Like i said he must have done something in the preexistence. He reminds me a lot of when i got here. He is in a lot of pain from walking all day and has blisters. However, he hasn't complained once and he is always studying and asking me to teach him how to be a better missionary. I think Elder Adair said it right when he said that we shouldn't be surprised if our kids become better than us. 

Eso es todo.
"Lean la Biblia jovenes" (every Jehovah witness we have found this week). We've also had to throw a lot of rocks at a lot of dogs. Satan is trying to stop our success.

Elder Warburton

1. Taco de carnitas. I took a bite out of it then took the picture
2. My comp made Chinese food for us.
3. The middle of nowhere
4. A dog that lives outside of our house that we are buds with had puppies and we gave her some chicken and ham.

Elder Warburton
México Puebla Norte

Taco de carnitas. I took a bite out of it then took the picture

My comp made Chinese food for us.

The middle of nowhere

A dog that lives outside of our house that we are buds with had puppies and we gave her some chicken and ham.

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