I watched Meet the Mormons and i forgot that they have that clip from Fletch in there and now i want to watch Fletch, but anyway.
On Sunday Teresa had her baptismal interview and everything went good with that so we have been getting her ready all week for today. We are going to have the baptismal service at 7 tonight, so i wont be able to send the pictures until the next week (that is if i can find my camera charger to charge my camera in time).
An elder had to go home early for medical reasons, so we spent a good portion of Monday figuring all of that out for him. I also learned after a "pleasant" phone call to the church travel department that when someone goes home early the mission president has to buy their plane ticket and i can't.
On Tuesday two Brazilians came to the mission, so all morning we were trying to learn Portuguese with them and i think i got pretty good at it. I can say all of 3 words. Later that day when we visited Hermana Teresa her other grandson was home and we started teaching him too, so basically everyone we are teaching is going to be a reference from her.
I spent a lot of time in immigration this week, so if you want to know how to renew a green card or change someones direction just send an email my way and i'll fill you in on the process.
On Wednesday as we were going home we saw a man drinking outside of the church and decided to go and contact him. He turned out to be a pretty happy drunk, but about thirty seconds into the contact i decided i wasn't gong to leave him until we took away his bottle of liquor. After about twenty minutes of talking to him, we finally got it out of his hand when we switched it with a Book of Mormon. We dumped it out in front of him and he had the most heartbroken look on his face and he got sober in that instant. After he thought about it for a second though he started thanking us and he went home happy, so it was a good experience.
On Thursday we had interchanges and i stayed in my area and my zone leader came here. He's a missionary that was in my first district and we get along really well, so we got some work done. We found three new people to teach and one of them is super excited to come to church tomorrow. We taught her brother too and her brother was unsure, but she just said "i don't care if you go i'm going no matter what." We also did around 40 contacts, so we have a bunch of references to give and a lot of people to visit in this next week.
Friday morning president and Hermana Barron decided to surprise check our house and that got the adrenaline pumping. They called us when they were downstairs, so two went down to go and bring them up while the rest of us were running around trying to clean everything as fast as we could in 60 seconds. As i was running back to my desk to act like nothing had happened, the elevator opened and Hermana Barron just yells "ha! i caught you elder Warburton!" Luckily we passed the house inspection, we just have to get blinds and window screens.
That was this week.
Que te vaya bien
Elder Warburton